The following e-learning is available free of charge: |
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma Informed Practice The West Midlands Violence Reduction Unit has launched the new Trauma Informed section of the website which includes access to FREE ONLINE WEBINARS. These webinars offer training in Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Trauma-Informed Practice.
NRM - recorded Webinar from ECPAT UK is available here
Training on Child Protection Medicals for a multi-agency audience to assist in decision making to when one is required
Private Fostering Audio Power Point
Suicide Awareness Training
In collaboration with Zero Suicide Alliance, Birmingham and Solihull council are pleased to share a free suicide awareness training opportunity that can be completed in 30 minutes. The interactive session covers three scenarios – family, work and stranger, including how to spot the signs, sensitive and appropriate language and signposting. This training is aimed at anyone aged 18 years and over. Some of the key messages in the training are:
Suicide is everybody’s business
Talking about suicide does not give someone the idea
For many, it is about ending the pain rather than dying
It is important to take ALL talk about suicide seriously
This training can be accessed via learning pool and is available for all (search ‘zero suicide alliance’). When you access the training you will be asked to provide some details about yourself, this will help us to understand how to better improve suicide prevention initiatives and training, and complements the work of the Birmingham suicide prevention strategy and Solihull suicide prevention strategy.
It is important to note the website is not monitored and anyone undertaking the module may find some of the content distressing. The module has detailed links and information to access various organisations for support, and it is highly recommended that anyone who has recently experienced loss by suicide takes the course either with support at hand or takes the course at a later date. If you have any issues creating an account for the suicide awareness training please contact who will be able to assist you.
In addition we are pleased to share suicide bereavement training – ‘Postvention support for staff and organisational response’
This training is all about suicide bereavement and how to support an individual. It covers helpful and un-helpful language, signposting and understanding how suicide bereavement can be complex. It also details how bereavement by suicide can affect family, friends and colleagues in different ways. It aims to provide learners with the skills to talk confidently and give appropriate support to adults affected by suicide, through various scenarios. This course should take up to 1hr to complete. This training can be found on the MindEd website.
Female Genital Mutilation awareness is available here. From 31 October 2015 it is mandatory for regulated healthcare and social care practitioners and teachers to report FGM. This flow chart was designed for healthcare practitioners, but may assist others in following the Multi-agency statutory guidance on FGM

Forced Marriage awareness is available here.
Forcing someone to marry isn’t always physical, but it is always against the law. For help and support, contact the #ForcedMarriage Helpline on 020 7008 0151 or visit #righttochoose
Prevent awareness eLearning
The Prevent awareness eLearning has recently been refreshed. This includes updates to reflect the recommendations from the Parsons Green review, updated information following the change in threat and attacks of 2017, and new case studies.
Prevent Referrals
The training is for anyone who has been through the Prevent awareness eLearning or a Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent (WRAP), and so already has an understanding of Prevent and of their role in safeguarding vulnerable people.
The training follows on from the Prevent awareness training which introduces users to the NOTICE-CHECK-SHARE procedure for evaluating and sharing concerns relating to radicalisation. The package shares best practice on how to articulate concerns about an individual, and ensure that they are robust and considered. It is aimed at anyone who may be in a position to notice signs of vulnerability to radicalisation and aims to give them confidence in referring on for help if appropriate. It is also designed for those (for example line managers) who may receive these referrals and have to consider how to respond, whether that be establishing more context, or reaching out to partner agencies for support
Channel Awareness
This training package is for anyone who may be asked to contribute to, sit on, or even run a Channel Panel. It is aimed at all levels, from a professional asked to input and attend for the first time, to a member of staff new to their role and organising a panel meeting. It covers both an introduction to what Channel is, how it operates in the user’s region, and how to organise a Channel Panel for the first time. In response to feedback, it also covers information sharing, including how, when and with whom to share information of a Channel case. A link to the Channel Panel training is below.
Violence and abuse against women and children
Partners have very kindly shared the following recording extracts from a conference that took place in another area; (Siobhan Pyburn survivor of familial sexual abuse) (Andrew Colson Mental Capacity Act) (Simon Hill, Control and cohesive behaviour introduction) (Luke Hart survivor of a coercive and controlling father who murdered Lukes Mother & Sister before taking his own life)
Neglect in Covid 19
Leeds Safeguarding Children’s Partnership have been kind enough to share some short clips they have recently commissioned from Professor Jan Horwath presenting a series of videos focusing on the experiences of children and young people living with neglect during lockdown; the clips include what children may be experiencing during lockdown with signs and indicators children may display as lockdown is lifted.
Episode 1- An introduction form a child perspective
Episode 2-Disorganised neglect
Episode 3- Emotional neglect
Episode 4 Depressed, passive & physical neglect
Webinar: The Truth & Consequences about Strangulation During Sex
National Sibling Sexual Abuse Conference
The UK National Sibling Sexual Abuse Conference for Frontline Sectors was held in February 2022, a web-based post-conference information pack has been created and a link is being sent to you in this email.
The pack, like the conference itself, has been created as a free training and information resource for people working across all frontline sectors; this includes education, policing, health, and social care. We would encourage you to share it as widely as possible throughout your own professional networks.
The web-based conference information pack contains:
Full recordings of all seven conference sessions – individually packaged.
Three new information/training films developed by our project (one for adult survivors, two for professionals).
Information and links on working with children harmed by sibling sexual abuse; children who have harmed their siblings; affected families; and, adult survivors of sibling sexual abuse.
Information on further training on sibling sexual abuse and Harmful Sexualised Behaviour.
Here is the link to the pack –
A comprehensive list of free safeguarding training can be found on Southend Partnerships webiste