Aim & Purpose
The aim and purpose of the Safeguarding Practice Learning Forum to bring together practitioners and managers from the adults and children’s workforce ensure that they are sufficiently equipped by way of local and national knowledge and skills to enhance safeguarding practice and thereby promote positive safeguarding outcomes for children, young people and adults with care and support needs.
The next meeting is on 25 Januray booking information is available
The meetings take place 2-4.00 pm at Sans Souci Tanworth Lane Shirley B90 4DD.
Last meeting
The most recent meeting took place on 20 September 2022 notes including the presentation are available
Previous meetings
briefing has been shared while Covid 19 measures are in place
The Power Point for the meeting on 17th September 2019 is available
Notes from the meeting on 30 January and the presentation are available. The review of terms of reference means the new name for the faculty will now be the learning and development forum
The meeting on Wednesday 9 May 2018 discussed exploitation, here are the
notes and
power point
The Meeting on the 24th Jan 2018 discussed Special Education Needs a Disability (SEND) a copy of Solihull
SEND Ofsted report was sent prior to the meeting and an adults safeguarding case review
discussion paper was introduced during the meeting. Here are the
notes and the
power point for the meeting.
Notes from the meeting held on 20th September 2017 are available along with the
power point on the domestic abuse standards
There was a meeting on Wednesday 17th May 2017 The
notes are available, and an
exercise that was completed on the day and can also be completed and returned if anyone was unable to attend.
For the meeting that took place on 25 Jan 2017 the notes can be found
here. At the meeting Solihull MBC
parenting strategy was discussed there is a
presentation that assisted the discussion. We also discussed this
case study.
The presentation from the meeting that took place on Wednesday 21 September can be found
here. along with the
The notes for the meeting held on Wednesday 18th May can be found
Notes are from the meeting held on 24th February 2016
At the meeting it was suggested it would be useful to have links to the neighbouring local authority LSCP sites available here:
For safeguarding Adults, Birmingham and Coventry follow the West Midlands Adults safeguarding
Policy & Procedures
For the first meeting held on June 22 a
report is available.