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Evening Module 1 Early Help +

Course Title :
Evening Module 1 Early Help +
Course Code :
Evening M1
  Scheduled Date's For Course :
Course DateEnd Date of RegistrationTimeVenue
18/09/2024 13/09/2024 18.00-20.00 Online via Teams this is session 1 of 2, session 2 is on 25.9.24 both sessions must be booked together & attended.
25/09/2024 19/09/2024 18.00-20.00 Online via teams this is part 2 of 2 courses, the first one on the 18.9.24 both must be booked together and the first must have been attended to be accepted on this one
Course Duration :
Half Day
  Delivered By :
  Aimed At :

This training is for those whose work during the day makes it difficult for them to join other SSCP training modules. It is aimed at those working with children and families who identify additional needs and can carry out early help assessments. It also covers some information about the Education, Health & Care plan process.

This course is provided in 2 sessions, both parts must be booked together and part one must be attended before acceptance on part 2.

This training is provided free of charge, but if someone does not attend or cancels within 48 hours of the course running then the place will be charged for inline with the SSCP charging policy.

  Learning Outcomes :
When you have completed this learning, you will be able to
  • Apply Solihull local thresholds,
  • Respond appropriately to concerns about children with additional needs by effectively interacting with partner professionals,
  • Carry out early help assessments
  • Have some knowledge of the Education Health Care Plan process in Solihull 


  Minimum Requirements :
Please note, you must be able to attend the 2 sessions that make up the whole programme. Missing part of the training will mean that your partial attendance will not be counted as having completed this training.
Applicants must have a basic understanding of safeguarding before taking this course.


  Reading Material :
Pre_reading_from_July_2024.pdf Download