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Module 6(c) – Neglect: The Graded Care Profile 2

Course Title :
Module 6(c) – Neglect: The Graded Care Profile 2
Course Code :
Description :

The Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) is a tool designed to provide an objective measure of the care of children. It is primarily based on the qualitative measure of the commitment shown by parents or carers in meeting their children's developmental needs. 

To use the GCP2 you will be required to carry out or work with partners to do 4-6 announced and unannounced visits to observe a family. This should be completed in a designated time of between 2-4 weeks. These visits do not need to be completed by the same person; a partnership aproach to observations is encouraged. 

Please discuss this requirement with your manager before booking training, as you will benefit most from using the tool as soon as you are trained, or supervising those who do.  

  Scheduled Date's For Course :
Course DateEnd Date of RegistrationTimeVenue
14/11/2024 15/10/2024 9.30-16.30 Sans Souci
Tanworth Lane
B90 4DD
04/03/2025 02/02/2025 9.30-16.30 Sans Souci
Tanworth Lane
B90 4DD
Course Duration :
1 Day
  Delivered By :
  Aimed At :

Those who identify and assess early help and child protection concerns and follow a multi-agency approach and/ or regularly attend and report to child protection conferences and core groups and/or supervise or manage those who do.

  Aim :

To enable practitioners to understand and confidently use the Graded Care Profile 2 to inform their assessments

  Learning Outcomes :

When you have completed this module, you will: 

·       Become licensed to use the Graded Care Profile 2.

·       Consolidate knowledge in relation to neglect.

·       Know where to go locally for support. 

  Minimum Requirements :

Applicants must have completed Foundation (Agency specific, in-house) training and LSCP Module 6-Neglect: Impact on child development training before attending this course. You should also have discussed with your manager the requirements mentioned above for using the tool.  

  Reading Material :
Pre-reading_GCP2.pdf Download